These premium raw silk gloves have just the right amount of texture to exfoliate dead skin without the harshness of a hard bristle brush or rough exfoliating beads. Garshana—dry massage—helps to unclog pores, optimize sweat gland function, and improve lymphatic circulation.
Garshana (Sanskrit for "friction by rubbing") is an ancient Ayurvedic massage, done with textured, raw silk gloves. Manual massage with garshana gloves stimulates the lymph directly under your skin to carry toxins out of your body at a more efficient rate. Can be used before abhyanga to prime your skin for oils to be readily absorbed. Massage with these gloves daily to:
- Promote detoxification of impurities, and stimulate blood flow
- Improve lymphatic circulation
- Promote liver health and assist with detoxification (massage releases impurities in the skin & blood vessels)
- Minimize the appearance of dimpled skin
- Promote the appearance of